Organisation Regulations
Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten is the trade name of the limited liability company Van Iersel Luchtman N.V., with its registered office in Breda, the Netherlands and listed in the Commercial Register under number 20131818. Our VAT number is BTW NL 820248472 B01.
The laywers of Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten are registered at the Netherlands Bar Association (De Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) Neuhuyskade 94, 2596 XM Den Haag, tel. 070-3353535,
The rules and regulations of the Dutch Counsel Act (Advocatenwet) and all other rules and regulations of the Netherlands Bar Asscociation (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) are applicable to all our attorneys at law. You can find aformentioned rules and regulations here.
The Executive Committee of Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten is comprised of J.B.A. (Dieneke) Kuijpers, mr. B.F. (Bart) Louwerier en mr. F.F.A. (Frank) Smetsers. They are supported by S. (Sylvia) Paul, secretary of the Executive Committee
Van Iersel Luchtman N.V.
Office of the Executive Committee
Attn. Ms. S. Paul
Postbus 44, NL-5201 AA 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)88 908 0999. Fax: +31 (0)88 908 0600.
The team of attorneys at Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten are supported by a professional team of legal assistants and bankruptcy clerks. They also receive legal assistance from a research manager.
Complaints procedure
The Management Board also serves as the contact for any complaints clients may have about our services. We always attempt to solve any issues together with you. If we somehow do not manage to reach a solution, we refer the matter to the Disputes Committee for the Legal Professional (Geschillencommissie Advocatuur) of the Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten).